After taking the Pfizer vaccine, my period can last for 8-9 days and I have annoying acne. I never had this issue before the vaccine. I’m angry and exhausted. My Aunt Flow hates me.
I am 39 years old and these days I pay close attention to my Aunt Flow (my period) because I am unapologetically praying for menopause. I just feel that I have been bleeding monthly for like 24-25 years and I’m tired and my uterus is tired too. I kinda feel that it’s time for my uterus & I to part ways and I would love to find a doctor who is willing to just snatch my eggs out and scramble em. I have no desire to have children and in fact I would rather eat a pair of jeans than give birth, so take these damn eggs and send me on my way. I wish that I could tell you all that I am empowered and magical when I’m bleeding but nah sis. I feel drained and tired and irritable and I suffer with PMDD and pain and salt cravings. I thought that it was intolerable before the vaccine because I had to suffer through it for 5-6 days but NOW I suffer for 8-9 days and the cramps and cravings got WORSE! I bleed longer and heavier. I’m in more pain. My skin is unpretty. My ass hurts (don’t ask me why) and I can sleep for an entire day with no pee break. After the first 2 months of the ups and downs I started to try to figure out what could have happened to make my period betray me in this way. We always bumped heads but we were always able to move past it and part ways peacefully until we would meet again next month. But now she seems to hate me and she’s draining me of my energy and beauty. When I took a moment to think about wtf went wrong I realized that my period went to hell in a handbasket after that damn vaccine.
I think it’s slightly important to mention that I did not want to get vaccinated. I was one of those people. I said multiple times that I will gladly stay away from people because I’m not taking that vaccine. I always felt that Covid was awful and serious and I did not take it lightly at all… But I was working from home long before the pandemic so staying home was no big deal to me. I was so afraid of the vaccine and totally against it. This is why I’m pissed off about it I think. I think I’m mad at myself because I didn’t stick to my word. I was in a horrible relationship with a gaslighting alcoholic and she cried and whined about us “living together forever” and “growing old together” and I crumbled under the pressure and took the jab. It was not something that I wanted to do but I felt guilty so I folded. Completely my own fault for dating a Vote Blue No Matter Who liberal 🙄 but now I have this vaccine in my body and I can’t unvaccinate myself. I’m suffering the consequences and she’s somewhere causing drunken drama for the next chick. Ain’t that a bitch? And now this vaccine is sending my Aunt Flow on a rollercoaster ride and I’m just so so tired ladies my black ass is TIRED! Anywho, I did a quick little google shmoogle search and found that I’m not the only one. I’m finding that many women are complaining of the same symptoms after vaccination. Not only that, a recent study proves that we’re not imagining this. No joke.
Here’s a quote from a Washington Post article:
“Not long after the rollout of coronavirus vaccines last year, women around the country began posting on social media about what they believed was a strange side effect: changes to their periods.
Now, new research shows that many of the complaints were valid. A study of nearly 20,000 people around the world shows that getting vaccinated against covid can change the timing of the menstrual cycle. Vaccinated people experienced, on average, about a one-day delay in getting their periods, compared with those who hadn’t been vaccinated.”
A few tips from women who are suffering with awful long painful periods.
- Raspberry Leaf Tea
When a mermaid mentioned Raspberry Leaf Tea for my period misery I scurried my ass to my kitchen to check my cabinets. I love tea so I thought that I might already have this one. Unfortunately I didn’t have RLT but I ordered some from Amazon. If you want to try it use my Affiliate link.
This is a quote from afternoonteareads.com : “Raspberry leaf tea contains tannins and fragarine which help with PMS symptoms like cramping, vomiting, diarrhea, and nausea. But it also helps balance our hormones (alleviating major PMS mood swing symptoms).”
Another quote from culinaryteas.com : “Raspberry Leaf Herbal Tea can ease menstrual cycle challenges, easing the pain during menstrual periods. Drink raspberry tea leaf 2-3 times a day to help you feel light and normal during your red days. Start drinking the tea a day before your expected first day of period comes.”
I did a little reading and it seems that many women swear by RLT so I’m trying it next month. I will be sure to update you all on how it goes. Also while researching I found Ova Moon menstrual pain tea and I bought this one too. Try it.
Let me know how it works for you.
2. Vitamin C
This one confused me but I listened to the suggestion and did a quick little google search and this is what I found
A quote from pristyncare.com: “According to doctors, vitamin C effectively lowers the heavy bleeding from the uterus during periods. This is caused due to the anti-estrogenic properties in vitamin C.”
A quote from Healthline.com about stopping heavy periods: “Potential supplements include: Vitamin C. This vitamin may help reduce bleeding . It might also help your body absorb iron, which can help prevent iron deficiency.”
I already have Vitamin C. If you don’t, get some. If you want to. But that’s not medical advice because I’m not a doctor.
3. Inositol ?
I have no idea wtf this is but it seems to be a treatment for PCOS. Anywho this is what I found on the World Wide Web.
Quote from natalist.com: “Inositol has also been shown to support menstrual cycle regularity through its interactions with neurotransmitters and hormones. A randomized clinical trial concluded that MI is helpful for improving ovulatory function in women with irregular periods.”
WARNING!! I ran across multiple articles claiming that Inositol makes you more fertile. If that’s not what you then you might not want to try this one.
In case you’re interested, I checked Amazon and found Inositol powder.
I can’t tell you much about Inositol so please do your research. If you find anything interesting let a Heaux know.
4. Apple Cider Vinegar
I never run out of ACV and I use it for damn near everything. I use it for my hair, my skin, my allergies, I pour it in my bath to detox, I clean my chicken with ACV….. I can go on and on but I’m tired of typing so let’s get to the point so I can close this damn laptop. I found this on daysforgirls.org: “Apple Cider Vinegar- Apple cider vinegar helps to regulate blood clotting, and contains both potassium and calcium that will ease cramping in the uterus muscles. Mix 1 tablespoon into a 16 ounce glass of cold or hot water, and drink! You can add ginger to get make it an even tastier and more effective pain soother!”
PopSugar gave us some tea on the ACV too
Order some. You should already have this in your kitchen anyway and you should never run out. Stop sleeping on the ACV
5. Primrose
Primrose was also mentioned on clubhouse and I did a google shmoogle to gather some info. I found this on VictoriaHealth.com: “Evening primrose oil is one of the most popular natural remedy for treating PMS. Extracted from the seeds of the yellow flower, Oenothera biennis, evening primrose oil is rich source of omega 6 fatty acids specifically gamma-linoleic acid (GLA) and linoleic acid. Evening primrose oil’s benefits for PMS are thought to be due to the fact that GLA may be converted into prostaglandins which are hormone-like compounds that may help achieve hormonal balance and are also known to calm inflammation in the body. These two properties explain why evening primrose oil is often recommended for bringing relief for the symptoms of PMS which include mood swings, breast tenderness, menstrual cramps, tension and acne.”
Here’s a link to Primrose capsules https://amzn.to/3Tgc4NS
Primrose oil is great for Hair skin & nails so I’m linking that too
I’m going to talk to my gynecologist again about the heavy bleeding and painful cramps and hopefully I can get some answers. Also, this might be controversial but I was also advised to look into a Pine needle detox. I think that articles about this detox are being scrubbed from the web so I won’t say too much. Allegedly the detox is known to allegedly “reverse the vaccine”. I’m done talking about that. Go down the rabbit hole if you wish.
Leave a comment and let us know if you’re experiencing the same difficulties and leave suggestions if you want. Again, I am not a doctor and cannot give medical advice or cosign anything said in the comments. See you all soon 🧜🏿♀️
Hi. Im sorry to hear about what you are going through. May I suggest speaking with your gynecologist about a hysterectomy? I know it’s a major surgery but it will completely stop your periods. You don’t want children so you won’t miss your uterus. The dr can leave your ovaries in tact, therefore you will still have your hormones. You will still be YOU just without PERIODS. I’m having this procedure done the 20th. My dr found a fibroid the size of a grapefruit on my uterus and suggested this procedure. At first I balked at the idea but now I’ve come to terms with it. No more kids, tampons, or cramps? Girl! Anyway I hope my advice helps and I wish you the best on your journey.
This is great! I love herbal teas and swear by them, maybe also try Daminana leaf and Marshmallow leaf tea. I would also suggest CBD products also essential oils you can blend with a base oil like olive oil or grapeseed oil, to use toassage or add to your bath. They have great therapeutic propertise. I loved reading this! You should write more!!
I know the misery of heavy periods. Consider getting a hysterectomy. My insurance converted it because I had uterine fibroids. But I’d suggest a partial hysterectomy to remove your uteri’s but preserve your ovaries. You need ovaries for estrogen production . Otherwise the lose of estrogen can effect your bone density and skin. Basically you’ll start looking old quick. Best decision I ever made because were having children. The recovery was about a month and I was back to living my life period free!!
I’ll be blogging often. Share this post and stay tuned 🧜🏾♀️
I got all 3 jabs because it was required for work. So far no symptoms and I hope it stays that way. I already hate getting my period as is so imagine it being drawn out for longer than need be. Chile…
I can’t really pin point when my period started tripping. But it has. I also got the shot (Moderna) against my better judgement.
But now I bleed 2 times a month. And it’s extremely heaving, and painful. and it never was before. I wasn’t one who got the debilitating cramps that stop you in your tracks. But now I do and
I bleed through, even down to my pants sometimes.
If you have uterine fibroids that can cause all these symptoms there is another option out there besides surgery. It has been stated that there is a high rate of black women having unneccassary hysterectomies. I am 49 and I just had UFE (uterine fibroid embolization) It wasn’t a walk in the park the 1st few days but I have tremendous relief from my symptoms and did not have to go under the knife.
Theses teas stop cramps and help to regenerate your cycle. Very positive and mood satisfying for us women:)